I think the word Resolution has had such a hard work out I think it has become to mean; “most likely to fail”. So instead of setting myself up for a fall in 2014 I’m making it more personal and calling it Nurture Me.
Drink tea in places I haven’t before.
One thing 2013 has taught me is time out. It is something I have denied myself most of my life as I saw it as self-indulgence, a sign of selfishness and I just never have enough time. Well through not taking time out you get worn out, and I’m not just talking one or two years I am talking a life time, and so it eventually catches up with you, and your body and mind can only hold up for so long.
Read my incredible book collection & always have candles.
My new years resolution last year was to have every Sunday off in 2013, well I think that lasted a month and therefore I failed. Halfway through the year I really looked at my life and schedule and was forced on a couple of time outs and came to the realisation, I was working against myself. Marking set days of the week is not how my life runs, it changes daily, even hourly and flexibility is what I thrive on so why would a day set in stone once a week work for me?
So I began putting aside a couple of hours one week, a couple of hours the next and then when I thought, hmmm this time out thing is pretty damn good, I saw a one week window and “bang”, in went the holiday. Booked, can’t contact me, no flexibility and it worked. The world didn’t stop but I did, just enough time to nurture myself so I was able to escape and shed the last few weeks and build me for the next.
Lizard Island – possibly one of the most divine places I have ever been to
Doing something for yourself that “feeds your soul” ( quoted to me by the lovely Sandra of Missi Coco) means you are not being selfish but allows you to stay not only on track and on top, but be a better you. And when you are a better you, aren’t you therefore better to others?
So for 2014 I want you to think of what you can do and say to yourself, “This month I am going to Nurture Me by……” If you do it slowly month by month you are not setting your self up for failure by saying, every month I will…… etc
So let 2014 be about “Nurture Me”, and give something back to yourself.
PS I’m going to keep it up through the year and have #nurtureme on instagram and facebook so if you are going to Nurture Me hashtag it and share the ways you look after yourself.